An Ashcan Emerges

This zine got away from me a bit. I'm getting back to basics. I can't afford to pay someone to do layout and then pay someone else to edit 60+ pages of content. It's just not in the cards. Maybe someday! But for now, I'm cutting out swathes of text to make room for more art and make Cavehaven a much more focused setting and adventure module with no rules whatsoever. Unfortunately that means the Bestiary has to go (but it will make its way onto the itch page somehow, if I have to upload it as a separate downloadable file, or if it is only included in the Cavehaven Director's Cut remains to be seen).

The Ashcan is written. The text is 100% complete, but the formatting and page layout is still not where I want it to be. I'll still upload it so you can see what the "finished" Cavehaven product is going to sort of look like, but again, this is not the finished product. We're getting there, though.


Pre-Alpha Ashcan v0.1.pdf 6.4 MB
Feb 19, 2022

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What is an ashcan? I keep seeing this word on a few other itch products too…

An ashcan is juat kind of the most basic version of a zine/game you can manage to put out that still reads well.

Ahh ok. Thanks! Do you know where it comes from? Like ‘zine’ is short for magazine.

I know I heard the origin once, but I cannot remember now for the life of me 🤣