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Braden M. Rohl
Braden M. Rohl
Stellaris: Sundered Span
A solo-metroidvania tabletop roleplaying game for the Momentum Core platforming ttrpg rules set.
Braden M. Rohl
ToeJam & Earl meets Ragnarok Online + Slugblaster. A Momentum Core game.
Braden M. Rohl
No Kings, No Crowns
No justice, no peace. The rɛv0lution is Mörk Borg compatible. 👑
Braden M. Rohl
Quaternal Rhapsody: A Requiem in Four Parts
Everything you need to play QUATERNAΔL REQUIEM and make your own Quaternal Core games!
Braden M. Rohl
Echo Blossom (Pre-Alpha Preview)
A metroidvania, platforming ttrpg inspired by Low G Man, Valkyrie Profile, and Ender Magnolia
Braden M. Rohl
Obsidian's Wake: A Nightmare is Born
A three-year Marvel Comics event outline and magnum opus.
Braden M. Rohl
The Shopkeeper's Wife - Book One - Ch. 1-4
An opening glimpse into my sci-fi/fantasy universe, The Waybetween.
Braden M. Rohl
Lonvictus, Land of Lost Souls
A setting primer and OSR-style ttrpg inspired by Dark Souls, compatible with Mork Borg with new mechanics.
Braden M. Rohl
A goblincore micro-setting and dungeon crawl introducing the goblin village Kokono and the Broken Undercroft beneath it.
Braden M. Rohl
Lotus Eater
Recover your Memories and collect the Keys to Oblivion for a delusional Valkyrie in this moody, action Dreampunk TTRPG.
Braden M. Rohl
Dozen Wonders: Fantasy Worldbuilding
A Small Worldbuilding Zine with Twelve Microsettings
Braden M. Rohl