Hold Onto Your Butts

I'm dropping a big update to Lotus Eater today, working on, at minimum a third passage -- The Implacable Pursuer -- and possibly even a fourth. As I continue to work on Lotus Eater, I'm realizing that the presentation of the materials is lacking pretty badly, and I don't even have the related Passages published for the Driftskate or the Dream Merchant, and I don't know what I was thnking leading only with The Crumbling Shadow and then publishing The Accursed Manor second.

So, today, I'm seeking to remedy that.

So, look for The Implacable Pursuer, if not also The Abyssal Susurrus, to drop today as well as major changes to the Dream Merchant class and possibly (probably) even some actual details and descriptions for Starting Equipment and a refinement to the metacurrency system I introduced last update with "Smith's Ore." I've been thinking about how I want to apply that mechanic holistically to the entire game, and I've got some tweaks I'd like to make to it.

Stay tuned, everyone, and hold onto your butts, because a big gust from the Winds of Change is blowing through!

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Okay, my brain meat just took a nose dive about 40% through working on Ch. 3, The Implacable Pursuer today. Not really sure if I'm going to be able to turn this ship around, but if I can't, I'll upload the incomplete files later today anyway!